I was the Chief Engineer
At Chernobyl
On April 26, 1986.
We workers
Didn’t know
About design flaws,
Building shortcuts,
That the reactor
Was a nuclear bomb
Waiting to ignite.
My fellow workers
Didn’t know:
That I had been exposed
To massive radiation
Years before;
That leukemia
Had claimed my son;
That Chernobyl
Was my white whale.
One pump worker
Was vaporized
In the first explosion.
Fifty tons of nuclear fuel
Blown into the night,
Ten times Hiroshima.
Seven hundred tons
Of radioactive graphite
Mixed with gas
A fog of death
That burns to death
From the inside
First, vomit.
Next, nuclear tan.
Then, blackened skin,
That peels like paper.
Finally, agony
And welcome death.
The radioactive cloud
Spread around the globe,
Worming its way
Sentenced to seven years
Hard labor,
I was released early
From the inside out.
I alone
To tell
This tale.