don’t waste it
Lying on an operating table
Surrounded by loved ones
Surgeons, nurses.
Chief doc
Scans my torso
With futuristic gadget
Can see into organs
Through bone.
“Severe internal bleeding,”
She says
Clamp arteries
Veins, aorta.
Probed, I bleed.
Machines beep.
“Paddles,” she cries.
My chest heaves.
She peers into me,
Shakes her head.
“Uh oh,” I try to say.
“Bad news”
I take my last breath
And sink into nothingness.
I will myself
To breathe
But the body
Is dead.
Weeping above,
The abyss below,
I sink deeper.
“Now I’ll see
What lies beyond,”
I think.
I am sitting up
In hospital bed.
“Special dispensation,”
A voice says.
“Don’t waste it.
Don’t waste it.”